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Do what you must, but never neglect the children

Five Things To Do If Your Child Is Being Bullied


"Bullying is persistent unwanted aggressive behavior, stopping it is a solution"


What To do If Your Child Is Being Bullied?


There is no single solution to bullying. Bullying comes in various forms, types and styles. Bullies pick their victims for various reasons, and victims display some particular characteristics that attract bullies. The tragedy of bullying is always the victim. A bully can be a victim himself. Children of all ages may be subject to bullying.


One problem of bullying is that victims often do not tell on bullies out of fear and shame. A child may be bullies for an entire school year and never tell. If their parents are not insightful and observant; he can live in silence, and often in fear and pain. There are things you can do if your child is bullied. Taking action against bullies should never be delayed. Before suggesting five actions to take if your child is being bullied it is important to know how bullies pick their victims.


What Bullies look for in Potential Victims

Generally, bullies pick victims who are different or appear weak, shy, and fearful.



How To Help Your Child Not Be A Victim of Bullying


Bullies do not sit in classroom and plan to attack handicapped children at lunch. Bullies are motivated by a desire for power, recognition, respect, and yes love. Children who appear weak or different are the preferred victim of bullies. It is impossible to "bully proof" a child once he is at school; however, you can reduce the risk of bullying. Encourage your child not to fit into the bully mindset.


Five Things To Do If Your Child Is Being Bullied


1. Reassure your child--Children are bullied if they appear different or weak. Reassure your child that he is neither different or weak. Always assure your child he is of dignity and respect. Encourage him to stand up to a bully within reason. Let him know he is not the problem. Bullying and the bully is the problem.


2. Investigate Immediately--If your child has been harmed physically or emotional by bullying, report it immediately to principal or teacher. Do not let any bullying activity go undressed. After discovering facts and proof of bullying; make it known to all responsible parties, bullying of your child will not be tolerated.


3. Self Defense-- Physical defense is not the only way to stop bullying. Teach your child to display confidence. Stand tall, speak with a strong voice, and show no weakness will get a bully's attention. Bullies do not generally attack the strong. Do not encourage a child to attack a bully without proper training, he could get hurt. He must also know how to defend himself to prevent injury.


4. Evasion Strategy--(teach your child) If possible try to avoid the bully within reason, make new friends so you are not isolated, change your travel routine, travel in pairs or groups where possible. Bullies do not attack groups. Stand tall and speak with authority, do not show fear or weakness. Talk back to bullies, but don't invite physical confrontation. Never tell a bully what he won't do,you could get hurt.


5.Display Strength--(teach your child) It is important to display strength and confidence whenever approached by a bully.

1. Remain calm

2. Look the bully in the eye

3. Don't get emotional

4. Stand tall, speak clearly with out trembling

5. Show strength and self control

6. Don't try to "out bully a bully"

7. Don't run, that will show fear, he will chase you

8. Don't allow physical abuse. Defend yourself as best you can.

9. Don't turn your back on a bully

10 Never threaten a bully or say are going to "get him". Get adults involved.


Learn more at bullying database




Bully Tips and Bully Emergency.


Bully tips are trends and tactics used by bullies. Bully Emergency is a danger warning.




Warning: Bully Emergency


Emergency: Food allergies produced another form of bullying called,"Food Bullying." Some bullies are placing peanuts or peanut product in the path of allergic students. They are placing hulls, shells, dust, even peanut butter in lunch boxes, desk, food products, lockers, cafeteria trays or any place they can to watch the physical reactions from allergic students. This is cruel and dangerous be aware.